There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for such as:
- uniforms
- school books and equipment
- excursions
- extra-curricular activities.
Voluntary school contribution
At the beginning of each year we request a voluntary contribution to enhance our educational programs.
This contribution is very reasonable and is set each year by the Principal in consultation with the Executive Committee. The combined contribution from all students can go a long way – it’s not very much for a whole year’s resources. Payment plans can be arranged if necessary. We try to keep any additional costs to a minimum and may be able to assist families who are having financial difficulty paying schooling costs.
Student assistance scheme
Families who have financial difficulty paying schooling costs may be eligible for help through the student assistance scheme. Contact us on 9153 9756 to make an appointment to speak with the principal for a confidential discussion.