Narwee Public School

Deeds not words

Telephone(02) 9153 9756

Public Speaking & Debating

All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are provided with numerous learning opportunities to develop their Public Speaking skills. Public Speaking at Narwee Public School is an integral part of their literacy learning.

Narwee Public School annually enters the Greater Southern Sydney Primary Schools Public Speaking Competition. There are four divisions available for students to enter. Successful students are selected to represent the school at local finals held in Term 4.

Narwee Public School also annually enters in the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition which is organised by the Arts Unit. Students from Stage 2 and 3 are encouraged to participate. Selected students present both a prepared and an impromptu speech at the local finals. Students must choose a topic based on a list of multicultural topics. Local finals are held in Term 3.


Through debating our students learn how to research on a particular topic, and to find the exact information they need in the shortest possible time. They learn to be thorough and accurate. Our debaters learn to analyse; to distinguish between the vital and the unimportant. They learn the need of proving their statements; of supporting every statement with valid evidence and sound reasoning—and they learn to demand the same sort of proof for the statements of others. Our students learn to present ideas in a clear and effective manner, and in a way which wins others to their way of thinking. Our debaters learn to think under pressure, to “use their head” in a time of need, to make decisions quickly and accurately.

Our debating team competes against other schools, either at Narwee or at a venue outside the school. Through this experience our students growth in confidence can be seen at each performance.